The Maple Grove Youth Football Association is an instructional program that focuses on the fundamentals of the game. Our program is designed for kids to play football rather than to watch football. Our primary goal is straightforward; we want as many kids possible to be playing football.
We measure the success of our program in how many kids come back the next year. With the assumption being, they will return only if they had a positive experience in the prior years. While winning is certainly a factor in a positive experience it is not the primary factor for kids, parents or our program.
We also have come to learn that kids learn more than offensive and defensive football skills in our program. Our players learn how to work together in a team setting and they learn how to resolve conflicts by observing how adults (referees, coaches and parents) resolve conflicts.
The definition of Sportsmanship is conduct considered fitting for a player, coach, spectator, and referee, including observance of the rules of fair play, respect for others, and graciousness in winning and losing.
When we are standing on the field whether it is as a player, parent, coach or spectator, we must all remember the definition of sportsmanship and show our players (whether MGYFA or opposing team) as well as the other spectators, parents, and coaches that we, as Maple Grove Football, know what Sportsmanship means.
So please remember:
1st & 2nd Grade
1st & 2nd Grade is a flag football league playing 5 vs 5. Teams will be formed by elementary school and/or neighborhood. Teams will practice 1 night per week at Maple Grove High School with games being played on Saturdays. The season will consist of 6 games, All against other MGYFA teams.
3rd Grade
3rd grade will play flag football against both internal MGYFA 3rd Grade flag teams as well as select Jamboree events against other members of LMAA. Teams will be formed by elementary school and/or neighborhood. Players will rotate to ensure at least 50% playing time for all players. Teams will practice 1 time per week with games on Saturday.
4th, 5th & 6th Grade
4th, 5th & 6th grade will play 9 man tackle football against other teams from the LMAA. Teams will be formed by Equidraft. Players will rotate every 6 plays to ensure at least 50% playing time for all players. Teams will practice 2-3 times per week with 1-2 games per week. Games and practices may be any day of the week except Wednesdays and Sundays.
7th & 8th Grade
7th & 8th grade will play 11 man tackle football against other teams from the LMAA. Teams will be formed by Equidraft. Players will rotate every 6 plays to ensure at least 50% playing time for all players. Teams will practice 2-3 times per week with 1-2 games per week. Games and practices may be any day of the week except Wednesdays and Sundays.