MGYFA Flag Football
The Maple Grove Youth Football Association is an instructional program that focuses on the fundamentals of the game. Our program is designed for kids to play football rather than to watch football. Our primary goal is straightforward; we want as many kids possible to be playing football.
We measure the success of our program in how many kids come back the next year. With the assumption being, they will return only if they had a positive experience in the prior years. While winning is certainly a factor in a positive experience it is not the primary factor for kids, parents or our program.
We also have come to learn that kids learn more than offensive and defensive football skills in our program. Our players learn how to work together in a team setting and they learn how to resolve conflicts by observing how adults (referees, coaches and parents) resolve conflicts.
What aged players are appropriate for this program?
Appropriate players are those in grades K-8.
The spring league program will be broken up into age divisions.
We play a 5 on 5 Flag game on a 40-yard field. This is a low-pressure league, and we encourage coaches to give the kids as much autonomy as they can. We want coaches much more involved with teaching football strategy and skills at the Crimson Level, but want the kids to have the opportunity to increase their level of input for play calling and in-game strategy at each ascending level, to the point that we encourage our Varsity Division teams to have their coaches merely watch from the sidelines and assist in rotations while the players manage the game themselves.
MGYFA is providing the administration and oversight to this Spring Flag Football Program on behalf of the City of Maple Grove and the Maple Grove Parks and Recreation Department.
Unlike our Fall Football Season, MGYFA does not have exclusive rights to Fernbrook Fields in the Spring, and as a result we will need to utilize other facilities within the City of Maple Grove, which could include Fernbrook Fields, the Dome Turf at Maple Grove High School, Maple Grove Middle School and the new Gleason Fields complex. The City of Maple Grove is responsible for our Field Assignments.
When are practices & games and how often are they?
Games will be held each Sunday during the season with coaches holding pre-game practices at their discretion prior to game times. No sanctioned practices are allowed outside of a one-hour window prior to the scheduled weekly game time.
Specific game schedules will be released as field availability is announced.
We will provide all players a jersey and flag set, and each team with one football.
Every player must provide their own mouth guard, and football cleats are recommended but not required (molded spikes only, no metal). No metal jewelry, watches or wearable technology (anything with metal or hard plastic) are allowed. Silicon or braided fabric bracelets/necklaces are OK.
We utilize High School aged kids as our referees, most of whom are in the Maple Grove Football program.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is MGYFA?
The Maple Grove Youth Football Association (MGYFA) is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to offering young people in K through 8th grades an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of football, the value of teamwork and to have fun doing it. The program has been designed, with parents' help, to contribute to the development of the young person's:
- Sense of Achievement
- Leadership Skills
- Positive Self-Image
- Social Skills
- Sense of Teamwork
- Appreciation For What The Body Can Do
Who can play for MGYFA?
Any youth in Maple Grove (boy or girl) and the surrounding area in K - 8th grades during the spring football season is welcome to play.
Can we request for our player to be on the same team as a friend or to have a specific coach or coaches?
Buddy Requests: Players can submit one buddy request at the time of registration. To be honored, the request must be mutual (both players must request each other). We strive to accommodate these requests but can’t guarantee placement on the same team due to balancing requirements.
Team Formation: Teams are formed based on age, grade, and school to ensure fairness. Coaches are allowed to bring one assistant coach, whose child will automatically be placed on their team. Remaining players will be randomly assigned to maintain competitive balance. We aim to mix kids from different schools, so there will be no teams composed solely of children from one school. One of MGYFA’s goals is to help kids form connections with future teammates, and mixing schools is a great way to foster new friendships. Remember THIS IS FUN!
What are the requirements to be a coach?
To Coach in flag football for MGYFA the following requirements must be met.
- Completed Safe Child Safety Training with trusted coaches within the last 3 years
- Complete Concussion Training with trusted coaches within the last 3 years
- Complete a background check before the start of the season
Ensure you use a previous login for Trusted Coaches to ensure credit for training completed for other youth organizations or previous MGYFA seasons.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
The contact for flag football is Briana Koch at
MGYFA general email:
Spring 2025
Monday February 10
All kids in grades K-8 welcome to join us!
Sunday April 13- Sunday June 1
Off on April 20 and May 25
Sunday afternoon/evenings. Times will be communicated when teams are shared.
We anticipate plating at a mix of both Fernbrook and Gleason fields, but final locations will be determined at a later date and are subject to change.
COST: $125 until Feb 28. On March 1 the registration fee increases to $150.
Payment Note: AMEX is not accepted.